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The Lord Jesus Christ and His Virgin Birth

We Believe

a. That Jesus Christ is absolute Deity,  (Heb 1:8)

b. That He existed from all eternity,  (Jn 1:1, 2, 14)

c. That He is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit,  (Jn 14:23;  10:30;  Mt 28:19)

d. That He was miraculously conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, and that He is both true God and true man,  (Gen 3:15;  Isa 7:14;  Mt 1:18-25;  Lk 1:35;  Jn 1:14)

e. In becoming man, the Second Adam, He never ceased to be God,  (Php 2:5-8)

f. He lived a sinless life,  (Heb 4:15)

g. He provided a substitutionary atonement for lost man in His death on the cross, (II Cor 5:21;  Rom 4:25;  Gal 3:13)

h. He was buried and after three days He rose bodily from the grave,  (I Cor 15:4)

i. He appeared to many disciples over a forty day period following His resurrection and ascended bodily into heaven,  (Mt 28;  I Cor 15:5-8;  Mark 16; Lk 24;  Acts 1:3, 11)

j. He will one day return in bodily form to the earth.  (Heb 9:28;  Jn 14:1-4)

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